Do you you know someone looking to move office?

Maybe you have a friend or contact setting up in business and looking for a place to base their new venture?

Perhaps you know of a friend of a friend looking for a flexible workspace with low upfront financial commitment?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then why not recommend UBC and earn yourself an introduction fee of up to £250*?

With business centres across the UK, UBCUK is the perfect serviced office partner for businesses looking for a professional, yet friendly business base. With the additional option of virtual office support packs, we can offer support to businesses of all sizes.

To qualify for our introduction fee, all you need to do is complete the short form below and press submit!

We’ll contact your ‘friend’ to see how we can help, and if they sign a contract with us, you get your reward. It’s as simple as that!

Read the terms & conditions then fill in the form below.

To qualify for the £250 introduction fee, the referral you make must be new to UBC not previously registered on our sales database.

  1. For contracts of 12 months or more – a one off sum of £250, either as an individual payment in vouchers or as credit against office fees, will be made upon contract sign-up.
  2. For contracts of between 6 and 12 months – a one off sum of £150, either as an individual payment in vouchers or as credit against office fees, will be made upon contract sign-up.
  3. For contracts of less than 6 months – a one off sum of £100, either as an individual payment in vouchers or as credit against office fees, will be made upon contract sign-up.
  4. All Virtual Office referrals will be subject to a one-off payment of £50 per successful referral for contracts (minimum contract period of 12 months). This will be paid upon contract sign-up.

If you're unsure about eligibility, or to make a referral by telephone, please speak to our sales team on 0845 683 8711.

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