The How, Why & Where of UBC Networking

Ever wondered why business centres are called 'business centres'?

As the name suggests, they are a hub of business activity - a place where enterprise meets, works and interconnects. Walk into any United Business Centre property and you'll find a hive of entrepreneurial activity, with sometimes dozens of different firms both large and small beavering away in serviced offices, in meeting rooms and in our (new!) coworking space.
In fact, it's that like-minded business vibe that appeals to so many of our clients. Many UBC residents network and outsource to each other - after all, isn't it easier to work with a company that's based just down the hall?
With that in mind, we're taking a closer look at the How, Why and Where of networking opportunities at UBC:
If you're wondering how networking and business opportunities thrive within UBC communities, it's all to do with the buzz within our centres. Many of our clients work on an open-door basis, and are happy to mingle with their neighbours - often sharing ideas, inspiration and even skills.  In addition, UBC also organises regular networking events to help ignite that business spirit. 
Why does networking matter - and why do we encourage collaboration between our clients? Because networking means business! Many UBC clients are small or medium-sized firms, and business centres can help companies to build and maintain valuable business relationships. After all, as you're based in the same building, you've probably already met your new client and know a bit about their business - so it makes the whole process much easier.
What's more, there's no travel time and meetings are easy - just tap on their door! Plus, as we all know, word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising. So even if you don't find new clients within the building, the chances are they'll happily pass on your details to other businesses anyway.
Unlike most networking events which require travel, at UBC everything happens right here. We have organised networking events within the business centre, and of course you can do your own networking just by speaking with fellow clients. Whether you're making a cup of tea or relaxing in the lounge, there's always an opportunity to talk, connect, and swap business cards.
Why not see for yourself? Pop along to your local UBC to find out more about what we do. From serviced offices and self-contained suites to business-friendly coworking spaces, we've got plenty of ways to help support and grow your business.
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