Spread the UBC Word - Make a Referral

 Terms and Conditions:

To qualify for the £250 introduction fee, the referral you make must be new to UBC not previously registered on our sales database.

  1. For contracts of 12 months or more – a one off sum of £250, either as an individual payment in vouchers or as credit against office fees, will be made upon contract sign-up.
  2. For contracts of between 6 and 12 months – a one off sum of £150, either as an individual payment in vouchers or as credit against office fees, will be made upon contract sign-up.
  3. For contracts of less than 6 months – a one off sum of £100, either as an individual payment in vouchers or as credit against office fees, will be made upon contract sign-up.
  4. All Virtual Office referrals will be subject to a one-off payment of £50 per successful referral for contracts (minimum contract period of 12 months). This will be paid upon contract sign-up.

If you're unsure about eligibility, or to make a referral by telephone, please speak to our sales team on 0845 683 8711.

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